Monday, September 12, 2011

3 Quick Things

Three things I want to quickly mention:
  1. It's a few days old, but after Arsenal got hammered by Manchester United 8-2, they sent a message to the fans who made the trip that they will get a free ticket to a future away match. If this was practiced over here, Leaf fans would go ballistic.
  2. NHL 12 releases (checks watch) SOON. To honour it, here's the best story from the game (suck on that, Madden).
  3. Yes, it's late on most of this, but with the morbid off-season not wanted to go away (yet) we should catch up a bit. So our condolences go out to the familes of Derek Boogaard, Rick Rypien, Wade Belak, and all the players, coaching staff, and crew of the plane crash in Russia last week.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

NHL Season Predictions

It gets earlier and earlier every year, and it it, I mean our predictions. This is a bit of a momentus event since this is the last season that our infamous Division Board (TM...not really) will be in use. If all goes as plan, we'll push its use with standing updates. Finally, yes Atlanta has moved to Winnipeg, but looking at the other teams logos, it's pretty obvious this thing is old, so deal with it. 

MDK's Prediction:

(Note: Even he doesn't know why he put Colorado first in the Northwest)

BEK's Prediction: