Saturday, January 28, 2012

Saturday Night Hockey: All Star Catch Up Edition

Working again so I won't be around to recap the skills competition. Here are my predictions though:

Event: Hardest Shot
Prediction: Team Chara
Reason: They have Chara, 'nuff said.

Event: Accuracy Shooting
Prediction: Team Alfredsson
Reason: This one is tough, but I think Team Alfie has the edge in shooting.

Event: Fastest Skater
Prediction: Team Alfredsson
Reason: Again, I think Team Alfie has a slight edge.

Event: Fastest Goalie
Prediction: Team Alfredsson
Reason: They have a goalie named Quick, it almost writes itself.

Event: Trick Shot Competition
Prediction: Team Chara
Reason: Pavel "Dangle Dangle Deke" Datsyuk carries them in this event.

Tim Thomas Doesn't Care About Presidents

So Tim Thomas didn't show up to the White House celebration of the Bruins Stanley Cup. Then he goes on Facebook and tries to save face with what was a pretty lame excuse.  Every angle from "he has the right as a free citizen to protest in his own way" to "he missed a team function, suspend him".

I'm in-between. On one hand (and while I don't share his views) good on Tim Thomas for standing up for his political views. On the other hand, he did miss what was essentially a team function.

Either way, if you have the chance to visit the President of the United States, why would you pass up that opportunity? Even if he's not your guy, it's one of those once-in-a-lifetime opportunities (based off the average person).

Ovi Suspended, Skips All Star Game

Nice to see Ovechkin play on the edge.

After what was a barely illegal (he did leave his skates) hit, Ovi got suspended three games. Seems fair after watching the Shanaban video. The problem: this suspension goes past the All Star Game. The situation was that even if a player is suspended, he is allowed to participate.

I originally respected Ovechkin for this move, saying that he was suspended by the league so why does he have to go to a league event. Where he lost it is saying it was about getting suspended. I do agree that the hit probably didn't warrant the length of it (maybe a game or two at most), but with all the factors in place, he did deserve to sit out a game.

Tampa Bay Places Mascot On Waivers

After what is some minor mascot fun of pulling silly string on an opposing fan, Thunderbug (the Lightning now ex-mascot) was let go, because Bruins fans are too damn serious. The video has since been taken off of Youtube.

Story from the vault time kids, gather around:

Before becoming the hardcore Habs fan I am now, I enjoyed the Canucks. In 1998, I was at a Canucks/Flames game and was waving my little Canucks flag. Over comes Harvey the Hound (mascot of the Flames). So he starts having some fun with me and blocking my view of the game for a few seconds. Afterwards, he turns around and pretends to blow his nose on my flag.

Looking back, I can't remember my reaction was (I was seven) but I didn't complain about it, and I probably laughed it off. This might be the catalyst for two things:

  1. MDK saying Havery is his favourite mascot.
  2. Craig MacTavish being my "favourite coach"
Photo courtesy of karma
For the record, I am at peace with Harvey.

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